Doesn't it feel great to be thanked by someone? How often are you the "thanker"? Perhaps not enough? Below are the top 5 ocassions that warrent your HAND-WRITTEN note.
1. If someone hosts you in their home ~ Did your neighbor cook her legendary pot roast for you & yours? Did you enjoy coffee at a pals house while your kids swam in her pool? Write the note...even if you are a vegetarian & the coffee made your stomach turn!
2. If you receive a gift ~ That's right...even if it was a re-gifted singing bass fish, the wrong size or just plain ugly. And don't feel guilty if you return it, but please don't feel obligated to tell the giver!
3. If someone throws a bash in your honor ~ A surprise birthday party (that you didn't want), an engagement party (where the guests were all 30 years your senior) and a silver anniversary party (when you've been married only 24 years) all require THE NOTE!
4. If someone extends their sympathy ~ whether they sent flowers, food or a card...let them know you appreciate their concern.
5. If you are on the receiving end of a kind gesture ~ did your cousin help you move (for the third time)? Did you say "I really owe you one!"? The least you can do is write a note!
If this is a dreaded chore that ends up on your procrastination list, why not motivate yourself with some lovely new tools of the trade!
a simple statement...from Etsy
on behalf of your child(ren) Etsy
say it with style...from Etsy
You can even buy vintage stamps at local stamp collector shops or Ebay.
This makes a statement without saying a word!
or, if you're the "personalizing" type...try